Friday, June 2, 2017

Crayola Color Alive 2.0 Zombie Skater

This was created for the cover of the package for Crayolas Color Alive 2.0 Zombies pack. The intention was to make it look 3D without actually using 3D. The one with the colored in effect is the one used on the cover to show what you do with the product and the fully painted one was used on the booklet inside. I also painted the other Zombies featured on the package and the book, but those aren't as good as this one. Drawn by Andy Krankhe and digitally painted by me.

Thursday, June 1, 2017

John-John Album

I did photo retouching and designed the debut EP for John-John Rytlewski with photos by Erich Talaba (my brother). Here are the album cover art and cd art.